Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Child's Play

My son (almost 17) was admitted to the hospital late Sunday night with pancreitis. Luckily he is doing well and is expected to fully recover.  It was through this chance happening that I learned about "child life" programs that are ran in most pediatric wards in hospitals.  Trained specialists and volunteers do everything from playing with kids and organizing fun activities to helping them understand procedures, etc.  Through play therapy, including art projects,  kids can feel more in control and more at home in a very scary situation.  You can learn more here:  http://www.childlife.org/ 

I was thrilled to learn that they have a wish list, including a need for art supplies and journals!
Perhaps there is a similar need at your local hospital?  


  1. So sorry to hear about your son, Felicia. Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.

  2. Thanks, Teri. He's doing great and is now out of the hospital and expected to make a full recovery with no lasting negative impact. We're excited about the opportunity to explore a community service project through his criminal justice academy program at school. The teen center at the two hospitals we were at could use some spiffing up. And of course I am thrilled at the thought of creating some art journal kits for teens who have extended hospital stays.

  3. I worked at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, for almost two decades. Part of that time was spent in the Pediatric Surgery Department! Also, during that time, the Child Life Program was introduced and his been so successfully! I hope your son recovers quickly!

  4. Thanks, Kay. My son is fully recovered and will have no lasting issues. Thank, God! We are turning this into a positive and his criminal justice teacher is pumped to get going on this as a community service project for the kids. Can't wait to see how it all turns out. Are you a Dr.? Nurse? Allied? In my day job I work for the State of CA managing federal and state grants and promoting health careers, espcially to those students that come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Small world!
