Friday, August 23, 2013


Paint Pens on Watercolor Paper

I recently stumbled across a list of dreams that I had once created and tucked into an envelope in my art journal (and then forgot).  As I scanned the list, I realized that I had managed to accomplish some of the things on my list of dreams but not quite all of them.  This got me to thinking about dreaming vs. making a “to do” list.    
When something is a dream, I hold it in my heart, but also slightly just out of reach.  I might sigh and say “someday” and may even see it as something that is not attainable.  And because it is just a dream, I may not ever take any purposeful action steps to achieve it.  But when I add something to my “to do” list, it immediately becomes something that requires action.  I have an urge to take steps to make something happen.  Big difference!

So I took the remaining dreams and changed them into a “to do” list.  It wasn’t that hard to do really.  I just thought about my dreams in a different way.  Instead of the fantasy end result, I thought about the series of steps that will get me there.  I added all of those steps to my “to do” list.  And because I now have an assistant, some of the steps toward my dreams are being delegated to someone else-WIN!

Rather than just dreaming about it, try thinking through what steps you can take and then take that first step and see what happens.  Before you know it, you’ll be checking DREAMS off of your “to do” list.
What dreams can you turn into a "to do" list?


  1. Love your post. I smiled. I love seeing and hearing how others interpret these kinds of dreams. If you wonder why this resonates with me, just visit my blog to take a peak at my tag line. :)

  2. excellent point...far too often "dreams" are never reached for. Recently I read an article from someone who is keeping an "infinite" list of new things to try. Perhaps that is halfway between dreaming and to-do lists??
